
This site is created using Wikimapia data. Wikimapia is an open-content collaborative map project contributed by volunteers around the world. It contains information about 32379305 places and counting. Mehr Informationen über Wikimapia und cityguides.


Für diese Stadt ist keine Beschreibung hinterlegt.

Jüngste Kommentare zur Stadt

  • Nieuwe Markt, egyonions schrieb Vor 15 Jahren:
    تصدير خضروات و فواكهه مصريه محمد الشيخ مصر 0020122359223 www.tradingisland.com Dear sirs, We are Trading Island For Import&Export it's our pleasure to introduce our selves as an exporters of vegetables and fruits, our company exporting agricultural crops such as Onions(red,yellow,golden)EUREPGAP CERTI. Garlic(fresh&dry), Potato, Sweet Potato ,Pepper(green,yellow,red),Cantaloupe,Green Bean,Artichoke,Pomegranates,Strawberry EUREPGAP CERTI And WatermelonsBEST REGARDS: MOHAMED EL SHEIKHwww,tradingisland,commohamed#tradingisland,com TEL:002 03 5855274 FAX:002 03 5854669
Кампен auf der Karte.

Jüngste Fotos zur Stadt

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